That is not what comes to mind when one thinks about their infertility journey.
What comes to mind is quite the opposite, really.
It's almost like one should be ashamed of their struggles. I mean come on. This is one of the most natural processes in the entire world. We are biologically driven to procreate. When you get that positive test you want to share it with the world. When you see nothing but negative tests month after month, you are supposed to hide it, pretend like it doesn't hurt and tell yourself, "maybe next month . . ."
But then I saw this. And it struck a cord. Pure, raw honesty . . . and I LOVED it. After reading it I felt empowered for perhaps the first time in three years. I don't have to hide. And in fact, I am not hiding anymore.
I had George and Frank removed about a month ago (well, kinda . . . more on that very soon!!) and for some reason I posted to Facebook about heading home from the hospital and in that post, I was tagged at the hospital. I didn't tell but a handful of people that I was going in to deal with George and Frank, so the response to me posting a vague status update from the hospital was shocking to some. But the next morning, I stumbled upon Bobbie's article, and was empowered to be honest. I put it out there. I put it out there that I was in for a fertility related procedure that would hopefully help us make more positive progression on our baby mission. I actually dubbed this whole thing "The Great Hritsko Baby Challenge."
I put it out there.
And I felt relieved.
And I don't feel like I have to hide anymore.
I feel empowered.