Obviously I have a bit of updating to do. We just had our second round of IUI.
Round One . . . Clomid. It wasn't as bad as I had read. It wasn't as bad as I had heard. It was ok and my ovaries LOVED it. Four follicles on the right and on the left, well, who knows. Lefty has a new name, Waldo. He likes to disappear. He moves away from the fallopian tube and is super difficult to find. We aren't even sure he is close enough to the fallopian tube for the egg to make it where it needs to go. So he is Waldo. Waldo the Ovary. He's a special one. :-)
The Mister was super worried about multiples . . . really, really worried. But he doesn't have to worry about that now. Round one wasn't the one for us.
So today was Round Two. All around this round was MUCH better. Not as many blood draws, only one ultrasound and we knew what we were doing this time. The Mister gave me my shot with confidence, he was able to give his sample the day of the procedure so it didn't have to be frozen (Round one he had a HUGE work obligation, so we had to freeze his little guys which is always a little risky, but they were fine). Frozen is fine, but fresh is always better! :-) And my favorite nurse Jessie was there today. She wasn't in the actual procedure, there were three other people for that, but she got me all checked in and ready to go. I love her. I don't know why, but she is so pleasant to be around, super optimistic and straightforward. I was super excited to see her this morning!
The actually IUI procedure isn't painful at all. I felt much more relaxed going in to the procedure this morning. My bladder was full (Round One I over extended my bladder and was in a TON of pain for the rest of the day so I learned a very valuable lesson!) but not too full.
This time there was only one follicle in the right ovary. And we "think" Waldo had one as well. No multiples this time, just one little bitty possibility which is perfect. More than perfect.
Now starts the waiting game. 12 days. And unlike Round One, I only have one test. I may have bought in bulk last time. Ha. Just one test this time on day 12.
Fingers crossed!!!
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