Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Things are moving . . .

Lots of things are moving!

Yesterday we went in for our preliminary blood work for IVF.  Just routine stuff, just making sure we don't have any crazy stuff hiding around!

Who doesn't love 7 am doctor appointments?!?!

Next was a scan to check on the follicles.  The left ovary, Waldo, has been an issue for quite some time now.  He is hiding, being pushed up and off to the side by the fibroid type thing that refused it's eviction notice last summer.  So he, Waldo, is MIA.  But the right guy, the reliable guy, the guy who is always there, working away, hanging out right where he should be, wasn't there.  He has decided that he would like to play a little hide and seek as well.  


Two steps forward, one step back appears to still be our game of choice.

BUT . . . he isn't so hidden that we can't see him.  He is just hidden enough that he is extremely uncomfortable and difficult to find.  Not impossible.  The Doctor *thinks* that he counted 15 follicles.  That's pretty awesome.  We'll take it.

So what's next on our to do list?  This:

This is the last of the testing we need to do and hopefully about three weeks from now we will be starting our meds for our first round of IVF!  

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Moving Forward

June is a good news month.  A moving forward month.  

Last June we had surgery which was a stepping stone for IUI and if needed, eventual IVF.  

It was a big step!!

This year, June brought with it news that we are (fingers crossed) going to be able to move forward with IVF in September!!! Yay!!!

On Monday I went to the clinic for a blood draw and can I tell you something?  I missed it.  All of my favorite nurses were there - it was like a mini reunion!!!  I have missed that place.  I didn't realize it, but I did.  I guess when you go someplace and interact so . . . intimately . . . and frequently with a group of people, it's natural to miss them when all of a sudden you don't see them anymore.  It's funny.  I read another blog post about this very thing, and I thought I kinda got it, but it wasn't until I pulled in the parking lot Monday morning that I REALLY got it.  Remind me I said all that the end of August when I am complaining of my near daily appointments.  Ok? :-)

Progress.  That's what's happening.  We have a schedule of anticipated dates for anticipated medications and procedures.  We have a tentative retrieval date and a tentative transfer date  We have a list of things we have to do, tests to have done, labs to have drawn.  And then there was the paperwork.  35 pages of legal documents where we had to decide what to do with our embryos (eek!!!).  This was like big kid stuff.  What happens to the little beans if we both die, if one of us dies, if we get divorced, if we decide to stop.  Then there is insurance for the beans, and transportation and storage options.  There is a lot that goes into this!!! Dare I say it was kinda fun?

I know in my head that we are still VERY early in this process.  Many things can happen and or not happen.  This could all come crumbling down.  My head knows that.  My heart?  It really hasn't gotten that part of the message.  It is in full on "the cup is half full . . . maybe over  filling" mode.  And for now, I am ok with that.  My heart deserves a little optimism and hope.  :-)